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A CMS based site allows you to update areas of your site from an admin panel with ease and with little or no coding experience. This saves you time and money, no longer do you need expensive coders to update your site when required. Simply jump into the admin section and update content when needed. Page builders in CMS based sites give you the power to create beautiful and impactful pages easily.
Take out the need for coders updating your site. You or an in-house employee can update your site when required.
CMS based websites allow for millions of plugins to give your site more capabilities than static websites. From built in SEO improvements to Interactive signup forms and much much more.
Take payments in many ways with CMS based websites being able to link with most major online payment companies. It's now easier than ever to accept online payments.
Our Wordpress builds use the biggest and best page builder out there. Visual Composer (VC) comes with over 50 different drag and drop elements to get your site exactly how you like it.
Our CMS Wordpress sites come with VC so you can drag and drop elements on a page. The easiest way to update your content.